Time To Hit The Road!
I am putting this out there because as I have traveled, I have used the internet extensively to plan trips. Unfortunately, I have run across a lot of info that was incorrect or incomplete. Its my goal with this blog to provide good pictures of destinations as well as maps and great directions. A word of caution... I like the gray lines on the maps. No need to worry most of the time... everything can be done in a 4x4 jeep.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
My Quest to find West Bee Branch Falls
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Sipsey Wilderness - West Bee Branch Falls

Sunday, April 20, 2014
A Short In and Out in the Sipsey with a Detour Afterwords
<h2><a href="http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=2623484">Sipsey Wilderness & Indian Shelter</a></h2> <object width="400" height="300" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab"><param name="movie" value="http://www.everytrail.com/swf/widget.swf"/><param name="FlashVars" value="units=english&mode=0&key=ABQIAAAA_7wvFEi7gGngCZrOfos63hSN1xyBy-BzBD--25ZLXpVi3GfbehTQlZCXdpUFII2A5CGeExVTCyX1ow&tripId=2623484&startLat=34.34093486&startLon=-87.47156479&mapType=Map&"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.everytrail.com/swf/widget.swf" quality="high" width="400" height="300" FlashVars="units=english&mode=0&key=ABQIAAAA_7wvFEi7gGngCZrOfos63hSN1xyBy-BzBD--25ZLXpVi3GfbehTQlZCXdpUFII2A5CGeExVTCyX1ow&tripId=2623484&startLat=34.34093486&startLon=-87.47156479&mapType=Map&" play="true" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object><br/>EveryTrail - Find the <a href="http://www.everytrail.com/best/hiking-mississippi">best Hiking in Mississippi</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.everytrail.com/trip/widgetimpression?trip_id=2623484"></script>
Sipsey Wilderness - backcountry to the Big Tree
We set in at Thompson Trail head and proceeded up tail 206 towards White Oak Branch where we crossed. Very shortly after the cross we headed East through Whiteoak Hollow on the Outlaw trail. The beginning of the Outlaw trail was easy to find in the spring but I hear its hard to locate during the Summer due to growth. It heads to the left just after you cross Whiteoak Creek as the trail moves off to the right. At the second draw the trail heads uphill and after a good pull you get to the top of the ridge and are presented with a fire road. Take a left and within 50 feet if that you will notice the trail head back down on the far side. This is a nice little decent and eventually you will be faced with impressive bluff walls and some scrambling down rock falls. After you get to flatter land you will cross a stram which is downstream from West Bee Branch Falls. Cross it and head to the left around the ridgeline. Shortly you will come to cross Bee Branch which is downstream from East Bee Branch and the Big Tree. After crossing Bee Branch you connect with 204a and then its a short hike through the valley towards the falls and the tree. 204a is not maintained even though its on the map however its in the best shape thats its been in since the tornado outbreak several years ago.
After a nights camp nearby the tree we headed out the next day but because of an injury we didnt want to face a scramble going out the way we came so we hoofed it out of the canyon on 204a, linked up to 204 to 224 to 208 back to Thompson. The hike out was longer but way less technical.
Check out our trip! http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=2705298
Have fun and be safe!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Weeki Wachee River
biting flies were out for blood and the rednecks were everywhere, however, the water was crystal clear and very refreshing!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Lithia Springs, Lithia FL
This was an awesome trip! Once we awoke on Saturday, it was time to hit the river. I can not tell you how high the water was but we cruised over park signs and through the tops of trees. The water was pushing us along at a solid 4-5 mph. Very exciting stuff. The dock at Lithia Springs was just under water so it made for some neat pics. Over all great trip, great food, great music and great people to share it with. Sadly, the springs were closed as the spring could not fight off the rising river so there were a few extra critters in there that didn't belong. Oh well, next time
How to get there... Very east stuff. Starting from Brandon, FL find Lithia-Pinecrest Rd heading south east from Hwy 60. Take Lithia Pinecrest several miles out past the city. Once you cross Bloomingdale you are close. You will cross the Alifia prior to the park. Atop the comming hill in a right only on Lithia Springs Rd. Take that till it dead ends. $2.00 to enter the park, $5.00 per person to swim, $24.00 per night to camp for a group of 6. If camping I highly recommend 40, 23, 25, 27 in that order.
To launch your canoe/kayak for the 10 mile river run from the park. Leave the park and make a right on Lithia Pinecrest. Take that for a few miles and go north (left) on CR 39. 2 minutes later the road curves to the right and your left is there on Thompson Rd. Take a quick right into Aldermans Ford. Follow the signs to the launch.
This is a very short car shuffle for a 10ish mile run! have fun!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Natural Bridge of Alabama
This was a very neat place to go and once you get to the main attraction it will put you in a state of awe!
Good Stuff