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This is a snap of my map that I left for my wife so that she knew where I would be. The \/ was the path taken for this trip and should add some content for the trip report.
West Bee Branch Falls. Like East Bee Branch Falls there is a pretty serious rock garden to navigate.
So on a past hike I found the footpath to West Bee and figured that I sould give it a go so I set out a few weeks later to see what I could find. I had heard that this area of the Sipsey was untouched as in no logging had ever taken place so I knew I was in for some bushwack.
So me and the dog dropped in at Thompson Trail Head and proceeded up 206 towards White Oak Hollow. After we crossed the creek there at about a half mile we ventured off to the left on the Outlaw Trail as 206 went off to the right. The Outlaw trail is not on the map but is well known among hikers. Its not marked but fairly well worn in the begining. Like any trail in the Sipsey it starts to get pretty over grown this time of year and as the trail goes on there are a few foot paths that break off so just stay on the most worn path and you will be fine. At the 2nd draw the trail starts up hill and you will pull about 200 feet rather quickly but eventually you reach to top off the ridgeline and intersect a fire rd. At that rd hang a left, walk 50 Feet or so and the trail drops down the other side of the ridge on the right. Recently someone has marked the trail with orangs caution tape. The walk down is pretty easy however about midway down you will encounter a 20 foot scramble that could be difficult if your packs to heavey. Very shortly after that the trail continues down through the vally but you pick up some awesome bluff walls. This is a good introduction to Buck Rough Canyon which is this name of this area. The creek that you will come across is West Bee however if you continue off to the right you will link up to East Bee which leads to 204a which leads to the tree and East Bee Falls. I covered this trip on a previous post. However for this post we are going to follow West Bee to the left. This is where it gets fun as at first you can see a foot path then it just disappears and you are left to your own devices. Now navigationally this is not really a big deal as the falls we are hunting create the creek so follow the creek right? Kinda, the creek is a battle field of rocks and overgrowth and there a few creeks that dump into the one your following so stay with the right one. For my way up to the falls, this is what I did all the way up and I paid dearly for it however I got to where I needed to go. Parts seemed to take forever and at times the growth was rediculous, absolutly rediculous. Finally I hit the falls at the end of a slot canyon and after battling the rock garden I was relived to be in the open with the ability to just drench myself in cold clean fresh water. It was magic!
After a little time scouting around I found a campsite that has been used before, sat my stuff down and proceeded to fill up my water bottles. Now the way this water falls you will get soaked filling up your bottles so I did that first so that I could strip and dry my cloths. Now getting to the fall is a challenge in itself as there is a lot of rock fall some of which you have to crawl in and around. Aftrer filling up the bottles we stepped into the large cave behind the falls. Now this was nice at its a large cave that drops about 20 feet or so to the floor. Its an easy scramble but what a great place to cool of as there is about a 20 degree cooler temp down there plus its just cool. The youtube clip below speaks for itself.
Now after climbing out cool and refreshed and with 2 full bottles of water I proceded back to camp to unpack and settle in. Now about the site, its on the left side of the canyon facing the falls. You cant see it from the falls as its along the ridgeline floor on the othernside of a low overhang. Once settled I gathered fire wood and set up my fire pit. Me and Gabby hung ouit and watched the sun set. Thje night was very peacfull and the smoke from our fire created some awesome moonbeams as the moon was almost full.
We awoke about 6ish, cooked some breakfast and packed up for the suckfest that awaited us. Now since I knew the lay of the land for oir way out I stayed closer to the ridgebase and that eliminated a lot of suffering however it still had its trials. My trail track is also attched below and my pics are geotagged so that you can see where they were taken.
Finally we made it back to the Outlaw trail and then 206 then out! It was a great trip and I would do it again however not untill maybe the fall or winter so that the bushwack isn't so intense.
Tips: Have a map and compass first and foremost. Also a mechette or big chopping knife is manditory. Please be carefull at the cave as there is alot of loose rockfall and who wants to chop of their own arm?
Have fun and be safe!